Friday, May 26, 2006

Chop Chop

Played in a live Thursday game with some friends. We have been playing about three Thursdays a month now for over a year. We tease each other a lot and it's always a good time.

There were 7 of us to start, $20 buy in. $40 for 2nd, $100 for first. I started of with KK 1st hand! I won that hand and went dry for a while. John was the the first one out when his AA got cracked by Rico's 99. AA flopped trips, Rico got trips on the turn. AA went all-in, Rico called - and then the one outer - 9 on the river for QUADS.

Played for a while until Rico took out Wes - Wes showered Rico with his chips... he and Rico like to cut up a lot. After rico collected his chips off the chairs, floor, and all over the table, we were down to 5.

I took out Bern next with AT vs. KT. I had the chip lead at this point and we are down to 4.

We played for a while and I went all-in against AT with KJ. I had folded KJ earlier and thought about folding, but Susan can bluff so I decided to call.
I under-estimated her stack size (very bad thing to do) and after losing the hand was severly crippled.

I managed to hang on and Steve busted out. Susan had about 125K in chips and and Rico split the rest about 60/40 - me smaller. I offered we chop 2nd for $20 each and he took it, so in 2 hours or so I broke even.

I came home and found $40 in my PartyPoker account :), mine if I play 400 raked hands... I am up to $100 in about 50 hands... we'll see if I can meet the raked hand requirement this weekend.

Tonight we had my home game and I'll give a full report before heading over to the Big-O for the Mookie High Roller tourney.


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