Lucky, Lucky, Lucky 7/7/07
Well this post is short, but leads to some long content on the results link.
I have the update from the last three tournaments. Congrats to:
- Armando and Jeff on their first place chop of the 6/30 - 22 person tournament.
- Stacey and Rico on their first place chop of the 7/3 - 12 person tournament.
- Joe for taking town the 6 person mini-turbo on 7/3.
Nice job to all of you. The next tourney will be 7/14/07 - look for the evite.
BIG-O Tournament
I played at the Big-O and it was wild. I played tight during the 5 rounds of rebuys. I managed to only rebuy 2 times with the second a push for equity. At the end of the frst break, I had a mere 25K. The blinds were 600/1200, so I had an M of 13 - 14.
I managed to get AA on the first hand after the break and took down the pot of the blinds and a couple limpers. A couple hands later I had 22 on the button and flopped a set, I jammed because there were two clubs on board and took the pot uncontested. I was up to about 39K.
I made a good call against Henry when I had 9T on the BB and flopped topped pair, we checked to the river and he bet 8K into a 15K pot. I didn't put him on more than a value/steal bet so I called and my flopped TP held.
Later, I made a big laydown when I raised in 4th postion with AQo. It folded to Phillip who went all in. I put him on KK and needed 5:2 pot odds to call, but they weren't there so I folded. He showed AA and I would have been crushed.
I managed to knock out both Mellissa and Clara - I flopped a straight against Mellissa and checked, she went all in, I called and it held up. Carol joined our table with about 21K. I found QQ on the first hand she played and I pushed. She called with KJo (not a bad call - considering her stack and the blinds were 3K/6K). She hit the JJ3 flop and my Q's were cracked. With Clara I had AQs, she jammed with AQs and I jammed to isolate. She showed A9 or A6, can't remember, and my Q was good.
At this point I had about 72K with the average riht around 57K. The blinds were 3K/6K, so my M was 8. Not too bad. I was button, Carol was SB, and Michael was BB. I limped on the button with JTc. Carol called the 3K and Michael checked. The flop came Jh5h7c. I hit TP. Carol checked and Michael pushed for about 77K. I thought he might be on a draw or weak hand. I called for my whole stack. Michael showed J7 for two pair. I was done.
STUPID MOVE - I should have either raised 3x on the button, or folded preflop. After the flop, I should have folded. Why risk my stack for TP shitty kicker?
Overall I played well, just one BIG mistake. Maybe Michael will write it up on his blog.

I left pretty pissed at myself. I was going 52 in a 40 and got pulled over across the 183 and the tracks from Armando's on Crystal Falls. I was real lucky to get a warning. With this in the mix, I will consider myself ahead for the night. 40MPH on that road is bullshit. Oh well.
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