Being that Stacey and I celebrated our 15th Anniversary on May 9th, we had a small prize for those that showed down 5-9 of any flavor. A $1 lottery ticket was the prize. Stacey won two, Scott won another and I can't remember the other 2 lucky winners (unlucky as it turns out, not one ticket was a winner).
After the break I had 42K which was ~10K above average.
Todd and I got it all in preflop. My AK was good after a AT5 flop. Todd had 99 and the turn and the river were blanks. Todd was out in 15th.
Brad limped into the pot. Rico had 46o in the BB and paired up on a K6T flop. Rico checked and so did Brad. Rico got a 6 on the turn. Brad pusdhes all-in, Rico calls. Brad turns over KK and the river is a blank. Rico is out in 14th.
Henry and Greg mixed it up. Henry pushed after the all heart flop and Greg called wth TT. Henry turned over AKh and Greg was gone in 13th.
Ian got a King high fluch on the river, but the river gave Kitty a boat. Ian was out in 12th.
Ian was 2nd in chips at his table to Kitty, so Kitty had a monster stack.
Stuart and I had mixed it up a few hands. Stuart raised the 2x in middle position. Clara and I called (me in the BB with 5Th - lose call). The flop brought J58. With bottom pair, I called a 1/2 pot bet from Stuart after Clara called. The turn brought me the other 5. I checked, Stuart pushed and after a long contemplation, Clara folded. I called and Stuart showed KQ, he was drawing dead. Stuart was out in 11th, and we were at the final table.
Final table chip statcks were as follows:
After the final table got underway, Scott was the first to fall in 10th. Scott had the hammer (72o) and Brad had the Mookie - T8. The flop of T75 got scott all-in and Brad called with TP.
The next hand was the wildest hand I have played in a long time. I found AQs on the SB. Clara was the BB. The blinds at this time were 2 and 4K.
David Limps, 4K. Pot = 10K.
Kitty raises 3x to 12K. Pot = 22K.
Brad calls the 12K. Pot = 34K.
I call the 12K. Pot = 46K.
Clara goes all-in for 17.5K a 5.5K raise. Pot = 63.5K.
David goes all-in for 19K, a 2.5K raise. Main Pot = 81K. Side Pot = 2.5K.
Kitty folds.
Brad calls the extra 7K. Main pot = 86.5K. Side Pot = 5K.
I call the extra 7K. Main Pot = 92K. Side Pot = 7.5K.
Jim, David and Brad are in for the side pot.
The flop and turn are all low cards. The river is a Q. My AQ holds to take it all. 99.5K!!! Wow.
David is out in in 8th and Clara in in 9th. David had more chips than Clara, so he gets 8th.
At this point I had almost 200K of the 500K chips in play with 7 people left.
Toby got his stack all in with AQ, Brad called with AKc. 2 clubs on the flop and another on the river, sends Toby packing in in 7th.
Joe got whacked by Kitty. Joe was short stacked and jammed with JJ. Kitty caled with A8h and caught a flush. Joe was out in in 6th.
Henry and I got it all-in preflop. I had QQ under the gun and rased 4x to 24K. (Blinds 3 and 6K). Henry jammed with about 50K. I called and he showed JJ. My QQ held and he was out in in 5th as the bubble-boy. My stack is now about 250K.
Stacey had nursed her short stack very well. She either jammed or folded and it worked well. She doubled up at least once (maybe twice). She caught an 8 on the flopped and pushed with 48o. Brad called with KK. His KK held and Stacey was out in in 4th.
Now it was Brad, Kitty and I. I had about 250K, Kitty was way short at about 50K. brad had the rest.
It would have been prudent to just sit back, but I made a few moves and quickly realized playing a loose-aggresive and tight-aggressive player is very tough. I donked my stack after doubling Kitty at least once and losing a sizeable hand to Brad. The final hand for me was 88. I pushed and Kitty folded. Brad called with A7. He got a 7 on the flop... and another on the RIVER.
I was out in in 3rd. Brad and Kitty chopped with about even stacks. I believe Brad recalled seeing this video and didn't want to face the "Kitty". Wise move Brad. {You might want to turn your volume down before viewing.}
All in all it was a great night. I hope everyone had fun. Thanks to all that brought food.
We will be hosting again this week Friday, May 18th. Hope to see everyone there.
Stats are updated here.
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