Tourney Number 4
This was the last "downstairs" tourney as we have the Game Room almost complete. I have new poker tables being built and they should be ready for number 5.
We had a repeat of last week as far as the number players, 17. We had a two players make their season debuts, Ian and Zack.
The playas were as follows:
Michael Allan
Mike B.
Henry (the Cobra)

Mike G.
Play was crazy for the first four rounds with rebuys galore. Rico takes the trophy for the most rebuys at 5. A new record at our house. Scott and I had 2 each and Henry and Kitty had one a piece. Almost everyone added on.
Zach was the first victim of the tournament. First time playing at our house, first one out. Will he be back? He's welcome, but time will tell.
This donkey was the next one out. During the rebuy rounds, I played really loose and ran my TP into Michael Allen's set. I built my stack back up to over 40K. I was sitting pretty then, as usual, I blew it. I got into another hand with none other than... Michael. He had a set of 10s and I called his all-in with an OESD. No luck and I am rebuying again. He cost me two rebuys...
I rebought and had about lost the blinds and ended up with about 18K at the beginning of round 5, average stack was 30K+.
I made a move with AT to pick up the blinds and a limper. Michael G. called and his KK held up and I was out in 16th. YUCK!!!
Armando was soon to follow, being knocked out in 15th. His 55 made a set on a 256 diamond flop, but Ian hit his flush when he showed JTd. The turn and river didn't pair the board and Mook was out.
Carol got KT all-in with Joe's QQ. The QQ held up after the Qj5 flop, folled by a J on the turn. Carol was "starting the car". She ended the night in 14th.
Stacey and Henry mixed it up. Stacey stealthly played her AK and Henry his AJ. Henry was making his patented cobra sign at Stacey as he turned over his AJ. Stacey was a 3 to 1 favorite. The flop was A48 making Stacey a 7:1 favorite. But the turn was not merciful, a J for Henry and Stacey is a looking at a 6% chance to win. River = 9 and Stacey says, "The Cobra stung me in the ass". She was out in 13th and joined Carol for some Girlie talk.
Michael Allen's luck continued when he played his 79h against Joe's KT the flop gave Michael 4 to the flush and the turn sealed Joe's fate with the Ah. Joe was out in 12th.
Rico's $70 brought him him far. He got about 3 hours of play in doe a mere $23/hr. One hand in Vegas... of about 45 seconds. In those terms, I did well!!! Rico got whacked by Stuart when his 9Ts was bested by Stuart's JQo. Rico flopped two pair and Stu the straight on the 9TK flop... no help for Rico and he was out in 11th.
Let the cash game begin! Stacey, Joe, Rico, and I started a cash game....
(forgot to get chip counts)
In 10th was Mike G. His 66 was no match for Michael's KK and Mike G. was out. A good showing...
Kitty had A8 on the BB, Mike B. Q6 the flop brought an A and a Q. Mike B. hit his 2 outer on the river, and Kitty was done in 9th...
Henry and Ian mixed it up, Henry (Cobra) had KK and Ian (Mongoose), AT. They got it all in and the Mongoose got an A on the flop and another on the turn. The cobra had Weazy start the car. Out in 8th.

Mike B. claimed another victim when his AJ killed Todd's QJ and Todd was out in 7th.
6th place went to Stuart when his KQd (the Jimmy) got run into Ian's AKo.
We were down to the bubble position. We had Justin, Michael Allen, Scott, Mike B. and Ian left in the game. The five of them decided to safe out $20. Pulling $5 from each place gave a 5th paying spot.
Watch this video to see how the technical bubble hand went down...
3rd time is a charm. Justin is the bubble for the third week in a row. Down to 4.
Watch this video to see how fourth place went down.
Not sure what Mike B's statement about "loving the Queens" was all about, maybe something like this...

Down to 3.
In this final video, watch how Michael Allen manages to knock out 2 people and spill his beer all over my floor. As he knocks it over, pay particular attention to "It's only on the wood". Actually, Michael, I am glad that happened, because you reaffirmed my decision to wait on replacing our carpet updstairs.

That's it. Michael Allen makes it a back to back victory and wins the last downstairs tourney. See the latest stats here.
Thanks to everyone who came out and all that brought food.
Another fun night! I just wish my A would've hit so I could've taken 1st!
And no...not THOSE kinda Queens.
Mike B.
The videos are great, thanks for having me over.
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