Kings go Crack at the Mookie
We played at the Mookie last night and it was a night of cracked Kings. Stacey and I both had our Kings cracked in a big way. On seperate tables, Stacey had her's cracked by Clara playing the

I was playing +/- 2K from average. I was staying even by making a move every round or so. I wanted to play some big pots as people's M's went down.
I had KK one from the Button. I raised 3x = $3000 and Scott called in the SB. The flop came 78J rainbow. Scott checked, I bet $6000 and he went all in. I put him on a pair to start with and was somewhat concerned he may have JJ. I was pot committed with only about $13K left in chips and an M of about 6. I hoped he had TT or QQ. He had TT. Great! He's down to 6 outs.
Then, the 9 on the turn and I was OUT, NUTTED, BUSTED, DRAWING DEAD! That's
I had a good time and it was nice to be at the Mookie. I was 2nd out (doesn't happen too often), but Stacey made it to the final table. See the tournament results here.
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