CH3CH2OH = FUN!!!!

We had a wild night at the House this Friday night. With 21 players and lots of shots, we partied pretty hard. Stacey and I didn't money, I busted out fairly early and she made the final table. A few people got really shit faced and it was a blast. We can sum it up with one chemical symbol - ethanol.
Play was very tight on the outset, and I dropped the hammer for the first prize of the night. I was also the unlucky winner of the most rebuys prize package too. I won a damn dollar!!! Oh well.
Before the break we had 5 rebuys (I had 2). I was making moves and had chipped up pretty nicely until I had a fit of donkness and blew about a 35K stack in a couple of hands.
In one hand, I held Ac5c on the button, and the flop came 2c3c3, Todd bet 300 and I called. Before the turn I had gut shot at the wheel, the nut flush draw, and a gut shot straight flush draw. The turn brought me the 4h and I got the wheel. Todd bet 500 and I called. The river brought a delightfully harmless 5d. Todd bet 7K and I moved all in and he called. He showed me a big blind special, 35o... time for rebuy #1.
One hand later I rebought again after giving my chips to Stuart trying to bluff him off a set... it didn't work.
Virtually everyone added on and we were back after several shots. 8 people did a shot of something and few people did two shots. Mando's long pours on me got me pretty lit. I hit Stacey with the sink joke, that was very bad and I feel so ashamed. She fought back later with the "Welcome to the Club" quip. If you don't get those jokes... well too bad :-)
Back to poker...
Mike B. got the 1st out prize. Sorry dude...
Play continued and we got down to two tables. Stacey did some more shots and was really tearing it up. The more she drank the taller her stack got. The final table bubble was Kitty (no prize). I didn't take chip counts at the final table. But
Stacey looked like this....

and later... like this...

She is a liiiiiiighhhhht weeeeeigggghhhhhtttttt.... LOL
The prizes went down as follows:
Prizes | Who won... |
Big Hand Losers | Godfrey-QQ, Kitty-QQ, Justin - QQ, Armando-AA (Clara whiped him out with KK to make quad K's) |
Hammer Bluffers | Jim, Armando, Justin |
Most Rebuys | Jim - 2 |
1st Out | Mike B. |
Bubble | Clara |
Win with the Jimmy (KQs) or the Mookie (T8s) | Clara KQs (to knock out Brad) |
The final five were Rico (5th), Joe (4th) Justin (3rd) and stuart and Ian played it out for about 45 minutes heads up. I have 10 yellow chips I use for 25K chips. At one point Ian had all of them. The poker gods apparently were not going to let him keep them. Stuart fought back from a 6 to 1 chip disadvantage to take the title when he flopped a straight and got it all in.
We had a great year of Poker and fun. I want to personally thank everyone for coming out this week and all previous weeks. Thanks to all that brought food and for all the good times. thanks for Godfrey for helping keep the $$$ and the chips straight. We are glad we finished the year with a 21 person tourney. We got a little crazy, and probably won't again for a while, we'll mellow out and play some "good" poker.
A special shout out to Armando and Rico. Rico got a lot of us started playing tourney's and Armando brought this to a whole new level. Their selflessness has allowed me to copy all their good ideas!!! Thanks guys.
If you have some ideas on what I can change, add, or delete , leave a comment or shoot me an email. I am totally interested in keeping this going and making it as fun as possible.
Thanks for all the good times. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Jim and Stacey
Yeah, nuthin hit for me...i mean nuthin...oh well.
Thanks for the prize...I knew there was a reason I wasn't drinking...:(
Yeah, nuthin hit for me...i mean nuthin...oh well.
Thanks for the prize...I knew there was a reason I wasn't drinking...:(
Enjoyed it ! Thanks for having us.
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