I had a good week in poker. It didn't start off that way, but it ended well.
There is a saying in Texas, "If you don't like the weather, don't fret, it will change in 20 minutes."
On Sunday, after spending a lot of time on work stuff, I played in a 180 Person SNG on Stars. Well, when I started playing the weather was cloudy, but during the game a nasty storm cell moved through our area.
We were down to 34 players and I was 8th in chips with about 9K. The blinds were 300/600 with a 50 anty. I had QQ, raised 4x BB, two callers, the board was 7-9-4, I made a Pot sized bet and... blip - the power goes out. By the time I got back in the game, about 15 minutes later, I was down to 4200 chips and I busted out in 21st. 18th pays. Bummer.
Wednesday, I was 2nd out in the Mookie when I pushed on a A88 board with AJ, called by AQ and "buh bye"
Thursday I played in this one:

I took 3rd and moneyed, not bad against a pretty tough field of 15.
Friday night at the Big_O I took 1st with 7 bounties (including mine). I was lucky, lucky, lucky and knocked out some tough players: Rocky, Rico, Lee Anne, Carol, Clara, and Bubba.
I chipped up early when Justin ran into my set of 6's. I was lucky against Rocky with one over card to beat him. With Rico, I had AK against his AQ. I got a full-house over full-house with Bubba. With Clara my TT held against her lower pair (4's?). Can't remember what happened with Carol.
I was heads up with Lee Anne - we played a few hands and I caught a straight. Next hand I had AA and we got it all in. I was the winner.
I guess the saying still holds: "Every Donkey has it's Day."

Congrats on the recent success, including the money finish last night.
Looks like we will be able to make it tomorrow night. See you guys then.
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