4/27 Home Game
This tournament completed the final leg of my recent slump. I am going to vent a little on this post.
I have been getting slaughtered lately, but I think I have emerged from the misery.
I bubbled the first tournament this week. I didn't money in the second tourney either. I was 2nd out of the tourney when Stacey's parents were here. I also blew a nice stack in Mook's $50 game. Among several other bad beats, I got beat with:
- QQ vs JJ all in to bubble
- Top Pair Top Kicker (TPTK) with the Nut Flush Draw (NFD)
- A Set on the flop, by a pair of 5's for a rivered flush
"I am taking the Month of May off."
"I am not going to Vegas this summer."
With people still in the Tourney, "I am going to bed, Stacey, finish up for me." To which she replied, "Bullshit".

I went here (figuratively):

The next day, Stacey and I went to lunch. We had a "talk"... she pointed some things out to me and they made sense. See, you have to know Stacey: She is genetically engineered to NEVER GO ON TILT. I have seen her AA get cracked on the river by JJ. I have seen her have her full House rivered by Quads. She ALWAYS stays cool and gracious. She is a rock. She cheers when people win, and apologizes when she does (unless it's Henry)

That's the kind of attitude you need to be a good player. Stacey has it down cold.
I felt much better... I am off the mountain - and will not return. I now look at the game in a different way... and I am winning!
I had a win at a recent cash game where:
- I ran my K high Flush into the A high flush
- Ran a set into a straight Flush
- Ran a flopped set into flopped straight
I have tripled by bankroll on-line since the "talk".
I am ready to take on poker with a new attitude. Thanks Stacey.
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