We had a fun night with 13 runners. We used the format of a freeze-out with one add-on. Play was fairly tight as one would expect. Strangely, the starting tables were very unbalanced with the boy/girl mix.
I started off by winning a few small pots. I got into a big hand with David O. I had AA in late position, the blinds were 300/600. I just called a 2x raise. I put David on a middle pair. The flop was A9J rainbow. He bet 1200 again, I called. On the turn, he bet 3K, I raised to 12K - he called. On the river, he went all-in for about 4.5K, I called and scooped the pot. He never showed what he had. I had good chip position after this. David added on.
I also got involved in a major hand with Henry. I had 88 in middle position and raised 2x. Henry called on the button. The flop came QJ7. I checked, and he checked. The turn was a K. I checked and Henry bet 3K. The river was a 3. Henry bet 8K. I thought for a while, and called. I just didn't think the K or the 8 helped him. Henry had showed one bluff earlier and I was "suspicious". It was a questionable call because he could easily have beaten 8's, but my read was good and Henry showed 56o. Bluffer.
Later, I was tabulating the final table chips for this posting and discovered someone made a little note on the pad. I wonder who?

At the break, everyone added. We all had brownies and a delicious Chocolate chip cookie pie and Ice Cream. Thanks to Cristine for the pie and Stacey for the brownies. It was very good!!!
Joel was the first one out. He was at the Lady's Table (with Michael)

. Not sure what happened?
Michael was the next one out and we were at the final table bubble. New comer Frank was that bubble.
The final table chip counts were as follows:

With the chip lead, I played very tight for a little while. Armando knocked out Henry's better half.
I think he may have hit the one-outer for Quads to beat her. Per Armando: "For the record, I called a min-raise from Joanne as did Carol and flopped a set and turned quads to best Joanne's TPTK and Carol's OESD." Per Jim: "He's a lucky bastardo."I can't remember anymore, but there were four sets of quads on this night and I think this was one of them.
JoAnn mowed down Henry, Stacey, and David O. That set up JoAnn and her stack was big enough to catapult her into the money.
I knocked out Justin and Cindy.
At this point we safed $10 from each spot and paid $30 to fourth. Crisitine took 4th. JoAnn 3rd.
Mook and I were heads up. The donkey race was on.

Mook had about 60K more than I with 445K in play. We played heads-up for 50 minutes and basically just swapped the 60K a few times. Knowing we were each capable of a tricky play at any time kept us from committing too many chips.
We had about a 20K different in our stacks, so we called it a draw. Mutual respect!
I am keeping the stats on this sheet and will retire the other sheet for the time being. I am keeping track of the money and other interesting statistics. For reference, the point table is
The standings and the results of the first game are the same this week.
The statistics I will keep this season are: Wins, FT (Final Tables Reached for each player), Bubble, ITM (In the Money), and Games. The jackpot is $16.

Announcing Game 2
When: Saturday 2/9 @ 6PM
Size: 20 players - first 20 to RSVP, then alternate list.
Please RSVP by Thursday midnight for 2,500 chip bonus, show up ontime for another 2,500 chips.
$20 freeze-out (20,000 chips), $10 add-on (10,000 chips) - same blind structure as previous tourneys.
Registered (bold for bonus)
David O.
Mikey A.
Tim P.