Games 8 & 9 recap - Game 10 Announced
Well, it has been a while since the last post. We went to Europe for a few weeks, had a great time, and it is great to be back.
Last time we played, we had 9 players. we agreed to have two tourneys and made them TURBO. Everyone agreed to stay for the second tourney and it was great. This format was cool. I will post results from both games as they both counted towards points, money, and FFP's.
6/30/08 - UPDATE - I had an error on the points and Money standings. It should be correct now.
Game 8 Results
Game 9 Results
Points and Money Standings


Game 10 - Saturday, July 5th, 6PM
Freeze-out $20 buy-in, $10 one time add-on. Max 20 players.
Registered List (bold for early sign-up bonus)
- Jim
- Stacey
- Todd
- Stuart
- Rico
- Kevin
- Diane
- Megan
- Brad
- Armando
- Cristine
- Henry
- Michael A