Better Late Than Never....
August 19th - Home Game
I picked this title for three reasons:
1) We had 4 late adds that really livened up the place: Stacey and I were glad some regulars from the Big-O gave us a call and joined in: Bubba, Lee Anne, rocky, and Mellissa
2) I was a dog early, but came on strong pretty late in the tourney.
3) This blog is so overdue...
The list of 16 players were as follows Cristine, Joe, Brad, Ed <--- newbie to the invite list, Godfrey, Cindy, Stacey, Clara (Mr. Mookie didn't show - but the house considered it a trade up

Stacks to start were 15,000, with rebuys for the first hour (for stacks <= 5,000) and either a 5,000 or 10,000 add-on after the first hour. There were five $10 rebuys (yours truly had two of these - again). There was some serious cracking. AA, KK, AA, KK, QQ - crack crack crack. There were tons of rebuys (11). Ed, Rocky, Todd, and I, all rebought at least once, and 14 people went for the big add-on at the break. The pot was up to $410.
I took a nice hand off Ed early when I was on the BB with Q9 and hit a 99 on the flop. I slow played my trips and the turn brought flush possibilities for Ed. The Q on the river gave him either the flush or trips because he called my $3K bet and never showed.
Godfrey ran into Joe, got his KK cracked and rebought, then ran into Brad and didn't make it to the break. This happens sometimes to good players - Carol bowed out early a few weeks earlier.
Play was fast and loose until the break, then after the break things tightened up. But not tight enough for Mr. Rocky - he was out early and took to the computer for some on-line action.
It took a while to get to the final table. Once we did, here were the chip stacks.
Player | Count |
Brad | 128.5K |
Mellissa | 121K |
Stacey | 51.5K |
Bubba | 50K |
Joel | 46.5K |
Lee Anne | 46K |
Joe | 35K |
Jim | 21.5K |
Clara | 20.5K |
Cindy | 12.5K |
I didn't do a very good job keeping track of elimination hands, but I will next time. The only hand I recorded was when Cindy's 99 ran into Brad's Mookie (T8 of Hearts). The short stack was eliminated.
We played for some time and we got down to Clara, Lee Anne, Mellissa, Brad and I. My AA and KK held up every time and I was more fortunate than those around me when they had the monsters. Everyone else's monsters were cracked like crazy. Mrs. Mookie turned out to be the bubble girl. The Lee Anne busted out in 4th and Mellissa was out in third. Brad had many many chips.
I got head-up with Brad - I was hugely short stacked with about 50K to Brads ~485K. The blinds were 5/10K.
We played for a while and I managed to double up twice and won a few other hands. Brad was very tired and offered an even chop when the chips were at Me = 245, Brad = 290. We split the $60 $20 for me and $40 for Brad. I was happy with that as I should have been out ages ago coming to the table so short.
All in all a great night of Poker. Added Ed to the list for future games.
Thanks for all those that brought a snack.